Miyerkules, Setyembre 28, 2011

Thoughts of PR Sarkar

Our time on this earth

Engage yourself in such useful pursuits
that even the worst of your enemies
hardly has any chance to despise you;
engage yourself in such a manner
so that you have satisfaction in your mind also,
that you didn’t waste your time on this earth.

Love and devotion

That which makes the mind soft and strong and strenuous, so it may keep itself in a balanced state even in the condition of pain – that which perpetually creates a pleasant feeling within, is called love.
Devotion is identical with love. The moment devotion is aroused, the love of the Supreme Consciousness comes.

No one is insignificant

Every age had its own flora and fauna and it disappeared with them.
Every tree and every creature of every age and stratum is created by the Divine.
None is unimportant.
What is happening in the universe is the gradual death of one created being and the gradual emergence of another, Therefore, whatever will come, it will only be the Divine coming in that form. No one is insignificant, no one is small, no one is low.

Infinite Love

You may be an ordinary creature – you may have to pass your days in the ups and downs of your worldly existence – still do not forget the Divine.
Keep all your desires inclined towards the Divine. Always keep yourselves merged thusly. Go deep into the mood of that Infinite Love.

Every being

Hating is not a courageous quality or a creditable tendency.
When every being is the Divine’s own creation, how can you hate anyone?
How is it possible that you meditate upon one form of the Infinite
and abuse another?

This ever changing world

The world is a changing phenomenon. Therefore, it is unwise to be attached to any object in the ever-changing world. The very name and form will undergo changes with the change in time and place. The child changes into youth, the youth into the old, and the old into the corpse.
But if wise people take every object of the world as the expression of the one and single Cosmic Consciousness, then on seeing the changes in the name and form of any particular object, they will not be affected by pain or pleasure.

The lily

Train yourself in the ideal of the lily, which blossoms in the mud and has to keep itself engaged in the struggle for existence day in and day out, parrying, bracing and fighting the shocks of muddy water and storms. And yet it does not forget the moon above.


No movement in this universe is possible without encountering opposition. Wherever there is movement, there is opposition also. The result of struggle against this opposition is termed progress. The more one desires to proceed vigorously to the goal, the more one is to struggle against the opposition.
Thus those who are adverse to struggle can never progress. They lag far behind, what to speak of progress. That’s why struggle is the essence of life. Those who abhor struggle, who misconstrue struggle as violence, have no place in the world.

Flaming Moral Purpose

You must have a flaming moral purpose so that greed, oppression and exploitation shrivel before the fire in you.

No One Is Low

No one is insignificant, no one is small, no one is low. Suppose there is a drunkard, a fallen man. You have no right to hate him. You talk with him, persuade him – if necessary scold him for his regression. All these efforts are alright, but you have no right to hate him.
Hating is not a courageous quality or a creditable tendency. When every being is His own creation, how can you hate anyone? How is it possible that you meditate upon one form of the Supreme and abuse another?

Good works

Whenever considering doing good works, do not hesitate – do them immediately. Whenever contemplating doing bad works, linger and delay, so that the thought of performing them will wither away from the mind.

There is One Moon

There is one moon, but its reflections, falling in countless puddles of water, appear as countless moons. No new moon is born. The same moon is being reflected in many receptacles. Similarly, the one and the same Supreme Consciousness is being manifested as limitless individual entities, in countless mental receptacles, in countless minds.

You Are Never Alone or Helpless

You are never alone or helpless. The force that guides the stars, guides you too.
- from Baba’s Grace, 51

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